7 Special Needs Mother Bloggers You Must Follow!

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”- Harper Lee

This holds good when it comes to parenting children with special needs. Parents receive all kinds of advice from self proclaimed experts but only a person who has been in the same boat and have walked in the same shoes can understand what it means to be a parent of a child with special needs. Online communities can help  parents get together on social platforms and help them not only share their stories but also help each other, provide much needed emotional support. The voices of many from all over the world, can become one and help create a better life for children as well as their parents.

At Two Minute Parenting, We know how it is like to be a parent of a child who needs extra love, attention and efforts. We know, parenting is not an established theory which would hold true for all of us. In fact even within the same disability no two parenting theories can be applied. When challenges are different; their solutions ought to be different too and that is the reason mothers from all over the world are working extra hard to share all the knowledge and resources with other mothers. These super mother bloggers are rocking their ‘special’ motherhood and are making this world a better place everyday. Here is a list of all the mothers: Stop by and say hello to them, if you haven’t already!

Love that Max

When in my initial days as a blogger, I was asked by Ellen to write a guest post on her site, I was ecstatic! It was part of her ‘All over the World’ series and I wrote about raising a child with special needs in India. I’ve been following her since then and she hasn’t lost any pace. One more child later her energy is still infectious.

Her blog which she started as a dedication to her son with cerebral Palsy, went on to become one of the most popular blog on children with special needs at present. The blog’s content has been featured on leading newspapers and sites like Huffington Post, New York Time, Mashable, Today.com, MTV.com, The Daily Mail and others. The site allows you to share your favourite posts from different blogs  with others.

You can reach Ellen by clicking here- http://www.lovethatmax.com/

 Different Dream Living

After being a classroom teacher for 25 years, Jolene, started pursuing a career as a writer and a speaker and has never looked back since then. Her blog, ‘Different Dream Living’ is one of the most popular mother blog. Her first book ‘A different dream for my child’ was published in 2009 and since then she has published four more books. She began the blog in 2009 and has been writing regularly ever since. Her blog started out as a meeting place for parents with special needs children but over the years it has become a community for many parents of children with special needs.

You can reach them by clicking here- http://differentdream.com/blog 

 Shut up about your perfect kid

This is a blog run by two sisters Gina and Patricia Terrasi. They have also penned down a book together that goes by the same name. Gina and Patricia are out there breaking stereotypes with their witty writing and insight about  children with special needs. They encourage parents to brag about their imperfect children and feel proud of them. ‘Shut up about your perfect kid’ is a great place to go when one is feeling low and is overwhelmed. Their writing is motivating and suggestions practical.

Say hello to them by clicking here : http://www.shutupabout.com/

Downs Side Up

Winner of Britmums Brilliance in Blogging for Inspire 2015, winner of Tots100 MAD Blog Award for Outstanding Contribution 2015, Learning Disability Today Carer of the Year finalist 2015 and after many such feathers in her hat, Hayley is a remarkable writer who has a flair for connecting straight to the heart. Based out of UK, Hayley constantly strives to make it better for all parents of children with Down syndrome and other special needs. Mother of two gorgeous daughters, Hayley writes often and shares her challenges and achievements as a special needs parent.

She started her blog after her daughter ‘Natty’ was diagnosed with Down syndrome. The blog began as a platform for sharing her story with other parents but now she organises workshops and training sessions for parents so that they can get all the support they need and are aware of the extensive abilities their children are capable of.

You can reach them by clicking here- http://www.downssideup.com/

Embracing the spectrum

Another blog on children with autism, the blog’s intent is to spread the message that living with autism doesn’t handicap your familial relationships. The blog is written by Teresa and in her own words “her blog talks about our day-to-day achievements and struggles as a family in which one person happens to carry a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Teresa shares incredible stories of love, friendship, sadness and happiness while documenting the life of her son with autism.

Don’t forget to pay her a visit here:  http://embracingthespectrum.com/

Ellen Stumbo

Ellen Stumbo writes beautifully about parenting, hope and faith. She is a beautiful soul and her writing truly reflects that. She shares about her daughters, two of whom have special needs. One of her daughter has Down syndrome while the other one has cerebral palsy and if you’ll read her blog, you’d realise what love this woman is capable of giving. She has also founded an organisation called Disability Matters which encourages churches to embrace people with disability, not out of the need for service but out of love and for the sake of humanity. She has also written a book called ‘You are Enough’ which is a compilation of the best posts from her blog. It is available in ebook format and is free for downloading.

You can reach her here  http://www.ellenstumbo.com/

Joseph and his amazing spectrum coat

The blog is run by Tina, the mother of a child with autism. She shares stories of hard reality with a pinch of salt and a great sense of humour for the reader. She is also a contributor to Huffington Post and Yorkshire Post.

You can reach them by clicking here- https://josephamazingspectrumcoat.com/

If you know any other great mother bloggers, please leave a comment here and we’ll make sure to add them in our next series.

Happy Parenting



Pratyasha Basu: I am a voracious reader with a penchant for writing. I like to dream big and believe in standing up for the right cause. Still a student and not a parent, I am the voice from the other side of parenting.

View Comments (10)

  • Thank you for including me in your list. I am very flattered! :)

    • Thanks for writing Teresa. You are doing a good job. It was wonderful to read your posts :)

    • Hi Steph, Thanks for sharing these beautiful sites. Keep up the good work on your page; loved reading about your amazing girls :)

  • Hayley - Downs Side Up says:

    Thank you so much darling for the inclusion of my little blog. So many wonderful writers here and of course thank you for all you do to create change with your words. H x

    • Thank You for taking the awareness to the next level Hayley...It is always wonderful to know about you and your adorable girls :)

    • Ha ha ha! I would be careful in future Rhys.Thanks for dropping by:)

  • Jolene Philo says:


    Thanks for the shout out! I was surprised to see DifferentDream.com on your list. What an honor! Thanks for all you do to advocate for your children and to highlight resources that support the special needs community.

    • Thanks Jolene, you are always a motivation for all of us mothers..keep up the good work you are doing :)

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