• Some Motivational Talk
  • Special Needs

Best World Down Syndrome Day Campaigns EVER!

It isn't easy to be objective about something when your soul is invested in it. 'Down syndrome' is one such…

  • Parenting
  • Random Ramblings

Stopping Your Teenager From Drinking And Driving: Few Important Pointers

Two days ago, a news startled all the residents of our small colony. A 19 year old boy from our…

  • Some Motivational Talk

Why Should We Celebrate Women’s Day?

No, this is not going to be that rant where I write about all the atrocities, abuse, inequalities or patriarchal…

  • Special Needs

‘Raising The Bar’- A Little Documentary With A Big Heart

When Cate Sayers, the founder of e.motion 21, first asked me about my interest in being one of the mothers…

  • Special Needs

Speech And Language Development Activities For Children With Down Syndrome

Recently I posted this video of Aarshia on my Facebook Page, rehearsing for a short speech which she had to…

  • Special Needs

Do You Ever Wish Your Child’s Disability To Go Away?

Do you ever wish your child's disability to go away? No matter how much you 'understand' and 'know' about the…

  • Special Needs

Language Comprehension Resources For Special Needs

As parents we all keep working to make our children ready for this world. And it is hard! Teaching every…

  • Parenting

Being ‘Uncool’ Is The New ‘Cool’ In Teenage Parenting

Last week I asked my 16 year old if I was a cool mom. I was reading an article titled…

  • Special Needs

Special Needs Parents: Is Your Brain Fooling You?

If today you get to know that the child you have been bringing up, was changed in the hospital and…

  • Parenting

Top 5 Gifts For This Children’s Day

‘Children are not things to be moulded, but people to be unfolded’ -Jess Lair How insightful! Childhood explained in a…