9 Out Of The World Ideas To Save Your Sanity In...

It’s been just a few days into summer vacations, and I am sure you are already running out of ideas to keep your little monsters occupied. You must...

What Should Special Need Parents Learn From Tom Sawyer !

Few years ago after the diagnosis of my daughter, when I was still seeking the answers of some questions and  learning to deal with the new place I...

A truly inspirational story!

This piece of writing helped me immensely. When I was broke, sad and over stricken with grief, I used to read this and this used to give me lot of...

10 Great Movies To Watch With Your Special Needs Children

Who doesn't like movies? Movies make us forget the troubles and help us indulge into the dreamland, where there are picturesque castles, flying animals, and talking birds! Oh how...

10 Things That Make Special Needs Mothers Very Happy!

  Special needs mothers are often considered ‘ALIEN’! They are perceived as women who only pretend to be happy! They are always tired  or have superpowers to deal with...

7 Special Needs Mother Bloggers You Must Follow!

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”- Harper...

Self-talk In Special Needs : A Must Know Guide For...

Soliloquies are not just for the stage. Children often speak aloud their internal conversations with the self. Generally, they stop with age but for children with learning disabilities,...

Should I Send Both My Typical And My Special Needs...

When I decided to put my daughter with Down syndrome in the same school as my son , I received a lot of suggestions and advice from other...

Shutting off ‘Down Syndrome’ gene-A Mother’s take !

I know this post can get me in a lot of trouble because one, I have never been a politically correct person and two this is a very...

Teaching Reading To Your Child With Down Syndrome

  Finally got down to making the book for Aarshia. Tried to make use of the available resources that I had at home. Old sheets, pictures, fevistick, red marker and...

Why Making Home Videos Is A Good Idea For Special Needs

I believe if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is definitely much more than that. A video not only indulges you, it immerses you. Conventionally a...

Does Your Doctor Need Some ‘Special Needs’ Sensitivity Training Too?

Does your doctor need some 'special needs' sensitivity training? Cause mine does. She is not a paediatrician (thankfully) but a paediatric cardiologist.  We had to meet her two...