Random Ramblings

Random Ramblings

My random ramblings when I don't want to be just a parent. when I observe things around me and be judgemental about them.

My Imperfect Fight For ‘Perfection’!

  It was another dinner at my husband’s friend’s house. We were meeting this friend of his after a long time or first time after he got married. His...

Dear Fellow Mother, Stop Before You Jump Off That Roof!

This letter is in response to a news item I read in the morning paper today which shook me to the core. “A 23 year old woman committed...

15 Reasons Why I Hate Whatsapp!

  If I have to measure by the popularity of communication platforms, I know this statement would be considered 'outrageous'. The world loves its green speaking bubble, its intoxicating...

What ‘Sex And The City’ Teaches You About Motherhood

Those who are already rolling their eyes because of the title can go take a long walk, while I can carry my conversation with the rest who are...

3 reasons absent mindedness is good for you…?

I am sure most of you are wondering why am I talking about absent mindedness out of all the possible topics in Down syndrome awareness month. The first...

Mothers day-The Mania And Me

Going by the caption I know I sound a little cynical but can't help the hubbub around the day today. Since morning, there is an invisible air of...