What Is It like to be a parent in Delhi NCR,...

This was long before Delhi was unofficially declared the rape capital when I had my little princess. The daughter I wanted so badly. My pride, my heart and...

Stopping Your Teenager From Drinking And Driving: Few Important Pointers

Two days ago, a news startled all the residents of our small colony. A 19 year old boy from our society was killed in a road accident. A...

Being ‘Uncool’ Is The New ‘Cool’ In Teenage Parenting

Last week I asked my 16 year old if I was a cool mom. I was reading an article titled "How To Be A Cool Parent" and I...

Top 5 Gifts For This Children’s Day

‘Children are not things to be moulded, but people to be unfolded’ -Jess Lair How insightful! Childhood explained in a single sentence. Sometimes I wonder if in the race...

The Chronicles Of Motherhood: The Doorbell, A Tired Mother And A...

It's a cozy winter afternoon. You have played with them till they got tired. Bathed them. Gave them a good oil massage. Fed them. Again played with them...

Understanding Feminism As A Stay At Home Mother!

This happened recently. I am in the wrong side of 30s and was going through an early onset of mid-life crisis where I was extremely unhappy about my...

Finding A Dog’s Purpose Spontaneously!

  Somebody has rightly said,'The best times in life are random, unplanned and completely spontaneous.' And I couldn't agree more. When Papa the dearest, came home tired in the evening...

What Women Really Think; The Secret Is Finally Out!

The frenzied ragbag of thoughts that occupy every square nanometer of a woman’s mind from the time she opens her eyes in the morning till she closes them...

Why It Is Important For Every Indian Child To Be A...

Welcome! If you are the kind of parent who has understood the sarcasm in the title and is here out of intrigue; you are welcome. And if you...

Dear Facebook, Life without you!

Once upon a time we had a life. And then Facebook happened. Do you remember when there was laughter, talking, gossiping and the general tendency of having a...

Why Making Home Videos Is A Good Idea For Special Needs

I believe if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is definitely much more than that. A video not only indulges you, it immerses you. Conventionally a...

Decoding Creativity With Play And HotWheel Cars

What remarkable lines about the power of imagination and creativity.  Every child is unique, creative and has an innate power of imagination. We, as a society or parents...