Finally The Ear Piercing Done!

“Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequenes come from little things. I am tempted to think there are no little things”….  Barton Bruce

Since the time I have put Aarshia to a normal mainstream school, She has been surprising me with her sweet little achievements daily. It is also heartening to see the school people putting in that little more effort to make her blend in the group easily. Kudos to all the schools that go an extra mile for making our children feel “normal” . Got a call from aarshia’s school asking to come for a detailed assessment with a new hired OT.
How much a child hates to go to school during vacations, only a mother can understand:) so I had to bribe her, not that I do it often, but even mama wanted a motivation to drive in 42 degree temperature that too exactly at noon…
There was a long list of things, aarshia was supposed to do, including mazes, ball throwing, balancing on trampoline, coloring, matching, kicking the ball, sorting, beading and some other things to assess the areas where that extra little push is needed and let me confess here but this little girl surprised  me with some things that I didn’t think she would be able to do ( Its amazing how our little bundles of joy, keep throwing us off the chair in awe..)…so,she was supposed to do a maze where she had to take a duck to her ducklings. It looked something like this..

She was supposed to take the duck through the road without touching the borders but the description given by the teacher was so heart wrenching, that the ducklings are lost and they want to go to mama that aarshia thought of making it super easy for mama duck and her kids and she drew a line like below. 🙂

The teacher couldn’t understand why I was so excited but I know exactly why..Her thinking on her own…taking the path less traveled ! and not just repeating what she does otherwise is a great thing for mama.. even if its wrong, she tried something that wasn’t told to her… so mama was very very happy..

It went on for almost 2 hours and were we both tired..? We were exhausted, so mama promised aarshia for a pizza for her amazing work.

The new teacher was impressed with her and the old ones had a proud face to show. Nobody realized but the happiest was the mama 😀
So we all went out in the evening for celebrating..

There was one more reason, for having that pizza evening and that is, I finally got aarshia’s ears pierced!! Have been preparing myself for a really long time and I knew the longer I take, the difficult it would be for both of us. So had to face my fears and got it done yesterday. Trust me, it wasn’t easy. Thanks to my sister for holding aarshia the entire time..( God bless the families!!)For a moment I regretted the decision but a minute later, aarshia was fine, not crying but shocked..and an ice cream later, laughing. So a great step for the girlhood..:)

Tomorrow is going to be a great day again as mama is gearing up for some new challenges..a new project may be!!

P.S  Thanks to all the wonderful people who have shared their views and have written to me. Do comment if you like the page..

