How To Teach ‘The Calender’ To Your Child With Down Syndrome

The summer vacations are finally on and oh boy..Is mama happy? Yes, she is elated...because now, she doesn't need to have her morning cuppa running around the house....

Putting Your Special Needs Child In A Mainstream School In India

Getting through to a school of their choice still remains one of the most dreaded milestone for all the parents in India. And, if it is a child...

Why And How I Taught Reading To My Daughter With Down...

 For the longest time I remember, I have never said ‘No’ to a book that my son had asked to buy. I had introduced him to books way...

How To Teach Children With Down Syndrome: A Presentation For Teachers

When I was called to make a presentation in Aarshia's school last year, I didn't know what would constitute a good presentation? Should I try to reach out...

Special Reads For Special Needs: Our Reading Workshops And All That...

If you've been brought up with love for reading, you'd know how much it hurts when your child struggles with a book. When it is hard for them...

Everything You Want To Know About ‘Down Syndrome’

'Take it easy...its just an Extra Chromosome!!' I had a big smile, when I read this quote. Isn't it brilliant ? So simple yet so effective. So informative yet so...