10 Great Movies To Watch With Your Special Needs Children
Who doesn't like movies? Movies make us forget the troubles and help us indulge into the dreamland, where there are picturesque castles, flying animals, and talking birds! Oh how...
9 FREE Speech And Language Resources On Youtube
'Speech And Language'
Internet may have earned a bad name for letting mankind lose itself into the world of never ending information but this very 'advancement' has brought the...
Special Needs Parents: Are You Taking Your Marriage For Granted?
Close your eyes and go back in time. Picture your first few meetings with your spouse, the awkward eye contact, the skipping of the heart beat, the uninhibited...
How To Teach Children With Down Syndrome: A Presentation For Teachers
When I was called to make a presentation in Aarshia's school last year, I didn't know what would constitute a good presentation? Should I try to reach out...
Why And How I Taught Reading To My Daughter With Down...
For the longest time I remember, I have never said ‘No’ to a book that my son had asked to buy. I had introduced him to books way...
Special Reads For Special Needs: Our Reading Workshops And All That...
If you've been brought up with love for reading, you'd know how much it hurts when your child struggles with a book. When it is hard for them...
9 Quick Tips For Creating Personal Books For Children With Special...
Let me start with a quote that I have straight away lifted from Natalie Hale of special reads. I love this quote, and this pretty much sums up...
Teaching Reading To Your Child With Down Syndrome
Finally got down to making the book for Aarshia. Tried to make use of the available resources that I had at home. Old sheets, pictures, fevistick, red marker and...
Sex Ed And Your Child With Special Needs: A Practical Guide...
“We brought you from the hospital!” this was the answer one of my ex-colleague gave to her then 4 year old son, when he asked “where did he...
This Is How We Learnt To Teach Reading To Children With...
Learning is eternal, it never gets over! This learning becomes more of a need than a desire when you have children who look up to you for answers...
5 Must Read Books For Parents Before Teaching Reading To Special...
Reading is not just an important skill, it can be easily identified with one of the life skills. Reading gives children confidence, imagination, self respect and the ability...