Finding A Dog’s Purpose Spontaneously!

  Somebody has rightly said,'The best times in life are random, unplanned and completely spontaneous.' And I couldn't agree more. When Papa the dearest, came home tired in the evening...

Top 5 Gifts For This Children’s Day

‘Children are not things to be moulded, but people to be unfolded’ -Jess Lair How insightful! Childhood explained in a single sentence. Sometimes I wonder if in the race...

Dear Facebook, Life without you!

Once upon a time we had a life. And then Facebook happened. Do you remember when there was laughter, talking, gossiping and the general tendency of having a...

Why Making Home Videos Is A Good Idea For Special Needs

I believe if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is definitely much more than that. A video not only indulges you, it immerses you. Conventionally a...

My Imperfect Fight For ‘Perfection’!

  It was another dinner at my husband’s friend’s house. We were meeting this friend of his after a long time or first time after he got married. His...

9 Out Of The World Ideas To Save Your Sanity In...

It’s been just a few days into summer vacations, and I am sure you are already running out of ideas to keep your little monsters occupied. You must...

Are You Raising Little Thankless Rascals? 5 Ways To Stop Raising...

  "She was literally begging for her son to behave, while this little rascal was behaving like a ruthless, hardly bothered brat." My friend had a surprise in her...

The Chronicles Of Motherhood: The Doorbell, A Tired Mother And A...

It's a cozy winter afternoon. You have played with them till they got tired. Bathed them. Gave them a good oil massage. Fed them. Again played with them...

If She Could ? How Would She Celebrate Father’s Day?

If she could...!! The world is celebrating Father's day. I too have been a part of the surprise ppt that my son is preparing for his dad while Aarshia...

Priceless Summer Fun For Children With Special Needs!

One hot June afternoon, summer vacations,  bored children and an out of wits mama might be the story of every house but when creativity strikes ( or is...

16 Quick And Easy Ways To Connect With Your Moody Teenager

I read a quote somewhere which said, “To an adolescent there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent” and I almost had a chuckle. It...

10 Movies You Must Watch With Your Teenagers

  Films can be a great way to spend some quality time with your kids. A window to a different world appears on your screen as soon as you...