5 Must Read Books For Parents Before Teaching Reading To Special...

Reading is not just an important skill, it can be easily identified with one of the life skills. Reading gives children confidence, imagination, self respect and the ability...

45 Families, Goa, Fun And Down Syndrome!

45 families...Goa...fun and Down syndrome! It is amazing to use all these words in one sentence! When three months ago, in one of our whatsapp group chats we...

7 Special Needs Mother Bloggers You Must Follow!

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”- Harper...

50 Thoughts Inside The Head Of A Special Needs Mother!

I had a dream last night. It was early morning because I woke up really scared and covered in a sweat. The dream was nasty and the worst...

How To Make It Easy For Your Special Needs Sibling To...

  “My parents are deceased and I am taking care of my older mentally disabled sister. she's 40 years old. Truth be told, I don't want to take care...

A New Goodwill Ambassador For Down Syndrome : National Award Winner...

Those who are advocates of disability would understand the excitement when an awareness program or an advocacy initiative reaches out to those who are not directly affected with...

Special Needs Parenting Doesn’t Have To Suck!

Have you seen any old video of a special needs child or parents on youtube or vimeo? The videos of his/her  journey, the emotional music in the background,...

How To Teach Children With Down Syndrome: A Presentation For Teachers

When I was called to make a presentation in Aarshia's school last year, I didn't know what would constitute a good presentation? Should I try to reach out...

Sex Ed And Your Child With Special Needs: A Practical Guide...

“We brought you from the hospital!” this was the answer one of my ex-colleague gave to her then 4 year old son, when he asked  “where did he...

I Am Not Down Syndrome: I Am Me, I Am...

  Another beautiful post in the form of a poem from my dear friend Aswathi.  She has poured her heart out writing about societal misconceptions as well as the...

Happy World Down Syndrome Day : Celebrating Parenthood

From the day I had decided that I wanted to make a video for World Down Syndrome Day, I knew that I wanted to focus more on parents...

The Path To Acceptance Is Never Easy: A Special...

  This beautiful and heartfelt post Is written by Aswathi Dinil Sanker. Aswathi is a dear friend and a fellow mother. She is  the mother of two adorable children,...