10 Movies You Must Watch With Your Teenagers

  Films can be a great way to spend some quality time with your kids. A window to a different world appears on your screen as soon as you...

10 Great Movies To Watch With Your Special Needs Children

Who doesn't like movies? Movies make us forget the troubles and help us indulge into the dreamland, where there are picturesque castles, flying animals, and talking birds! Oh how...

The Quotes About LIFE that will make your day

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”- Joseph Campbell   “Learn to enjoy every minute of...

Birth Of Your Child With Special Needs- Bringing You Closer Or...

  The birth of a child is a milestone in any relationship and is almost always celebrated with love, dreams and hopes. This arrival also lays a foundation for...

Siblings Of Children With Special Needs: The Unspoken!

A lot of times, the sibling relationship between a 'typical' and a 'child with special needs' is perceived and presumed to be all hunky-dory. Just like how we...

What Should Special Need Parents Learn From Tom Sawyer !

Few years ago after the diagnosis of my daughter, when I was still seeking the answers of some questions and  learning to deal with the new place I...

Resources To Start Teaching ‘READING’ To Children With Special Needs

 Starting a project with my daughter 'Aarshia' on reading sentences. Now that she can recognise, read and write alphabets, knows phonic sounds ( not entirely though), I think...

5 Must Read Books For Parents Before Teaching Reading To Special...

Reading is not just an important skill, it can be easily identified with one of the life skills. Reading gives children confidence, imagination, self respect and the ability...

I Have Stopped Crying: A Special Needs Mother!

 This beautiful post is written by Capt. Kiran Pun, ex army officer. Kiran is a  precious friend and a  fellow mother. She is married to Lt Col K Sathiyamoorthy,...

Dear Cinema People : Stop Mocking The Disability !

Who can forget the famous scene from the movie ‘Kaalia’ where Amitabh Bacchan beats a bad guy to a pulp in the jail when he pushes a handicapped...

Does Your Doctor Need Some ‘Special Needs’ Sensitivity Training Too?

Does your doctor need some 'special needs' sensitivity training? Cause mine does. She is not a paediatrician (thankfully) but a paediatric cardiologist.  We had to meet her two...

5 Ways India Prepares You Become A Great Special Needs Parent!

  Do you know the population of India? It is 1.27 billion! Do you know the area? It is slightly more than one third of US. More than 800...