The Quotes About LIFE that will make your day

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”- Joseph Campbell   “Learn to enjoy every minute of...

Confession Time: I Wonder If the pain Ever Goes Away?

It was the orientation day in my daughter’s new class, something where all parents officially meet the new teachers for the first time for introductions. I was totally...

Special Needs Parents: Are You Taking Your Marriage For Granted?

Close your eyes and go back in time. Picture your first few meetings with your spouse, the awkward eye contact, the skipping of the heart beat, the uninhibited...

‘Raising The Bar’- A Little Documentary With A Big Heart

When Cate Sayers, the founder of e.motion 21, first asked me about my interest in being one of the mothers who they wanted to cover for their documentary,...

Teaching Your Child With Special Needs To Ride Bicycle In 4...

Cycling As parents of children with special needs, we understand that each milestone of theirs often comes with a consistent and often exhausting effort. Sitting, walking, jumping, balancing, running...

If You Could, Would You Choose To Be A Special Parent...

Last week, my brother got married and, with him I once again got to live the celebrations that we all Indians give so much importance to. Those who...

The Days When I Forget About My Daughter’s Disability!

There are days when I forget that my daughter has 'Down Syndrome.' In fact I often forget that she has any 'disability' at all. In the rut of...

Indelible: A heart touching story of 7 people with down syndrome...

This video is India's official entry for World Down syndrome Congress and It would touch your heart in more ways than one. I had tears in my eyes...

Should Women With Special Needs Have A Right To Motherhood?

Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws. -Barbara Kingsolver Motherhood has always been considered a right of every woman. Thin, Fat, rich, poor, urban, rural, it is...

7 Things I learnt As A Special Need Parent In Last...

Happy Birthday Aarshia     It's been 7 years today! From the day when my daughter was born! From the day when I held her in my arms for the first...

What Should Special Need Parents Learn From Tom Sawyer !

Few years ago after the diagnosis of my daughter, when I was still seeking the answers of some questions and  learning to deal with the new place I...

Stop Pitying The Special Needs Parents!

It was a normal day, nothing unusual. Saturday afternoon, a visit to the nearby mall with both the children, where I was checking out the ‘to buy’ list...