Special Need Mothers: Do You Have Wings?
It all started with a simple question that I was asked on LIVE TV by the anchor (Yes, I want to boast that I was on TV!). This...
A Therapist Hitting The Child? Utterly Outrageous !
Last week My daughter Aarshia came back crying from the school. I asked what's wrong but all she could tell me was some name I couldn't make...
#WeTheParents – Normalcy Is A Special Need
From the minute you are told that you are going to have a baby, you create that idea of ‘perfection’ in your heart and mind! And you live...
Special Needs Parents Here Is Your Answer To ‘What After I...
While cleaning a cupboard, I came across an old piece of news in the paper where a pilot father and an air-hostess mother died within a year of...
10 Things That Make Special Needs Mothers Very Happy!
Special needs mothers are often considered ‘ALIEN’! They are perceived as women who only pretend to be happy! They are always tired or have superpowers to deal with...
Modifying School Work For Children With Special Needs
Sending their child with special needs to a mainstream school with his same age peers is a dream for many parents. In the last few decades governments all...
The down syndrome creed !
My face may be different
But my feelings the same
I laugh and I cry
And I take pride in my gains
I was sent here among you
To teach you to love
Building Fluency in Children with Special Needs: 8 Research-Based Strategies Every...
Fluency in reading is a crucial skill that goes beyond simply reading fast. It’s about accuracy, expression, and most importantly, understanding...
7 Special Needs Mother Bloggers You Must Follow!
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”- Harper...
Adapting And Modifying An English Lesson For Special Needs
The first and most essential adaptation is determining what information is most critical for students to learn and adjusting the instructional emphasis of the program. Apart from this,...
8 Point Roadmap For New Parents Of Children With Special...
No one is ever quite ready; everyone is always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you. And you open your eyes, look at what you’ve got, say” Oh, my...
Is The World Finally Coming To Terms With Down Syndrome?
I am not a judgemental person or at least I try not to be one. I also hate the sympathy cap or ‘I am better than you’ cap...