Some Motivational Talk

Some Motivational Talk

Down Syndrome Is No Different – A...

Siblings are the most important yet the most neglected people in the lives of our children with special needs. After the diagnosis while we as parents go through...

The Days When I Forget About My Daughter’s Disability!

There are days when I forget that my daughter has 'Down Syndrome.' In fact I often forget that she has any 'disability' at all. In the rut of...

A Must Read For Special Need Mothers – Come Indulge !

We all mothers know this and have probably gone through it million of times.  Picture it; you had a terrible day. The laundry is still not done! The...

Why You Should Be Friends With Other Special Need Mothers.

One of the basic nature of friendship is that it cannot be forced or pretended. This is one relationship which is beyond social obligations and the DNA spectrum...

Why My Daughter With Down Syndrome Is The Smartest Girl I...

  When I got to know that my daughter had Down syndrome, I thought of a life which would be sad, depressing and cheerless in the years to come,...

Dear Fellow Mother, Stop Before You Jump Off That Roof!

This letter is in response to a news item I read in the morning paper today which shook me to the core. “A 23 year old woman committed...

Every Fight For Your Special Needs Child Is Not Worth Fighting!

The expression on that face after seeing my daughter with Down syndrome was anything but happy. He was supposed to be the main trainer of her dance class...

Special Need Mothers: Do You Have Wings?

  It all started with a simple question that I was asked on LIVE TV by the anchor (Yes, I want  to boast that I was on TV!). This...

What Should Special Need Parents Learn From Tom Sawyer !

Few years ago after the diagnosis of my daughter, when I was still seeking the answers of some questions and  learning to deal with the new place I...

A Wonderful Start To The New Year; Girl With DS Donates...

When I first read about Karishma on Natalie Hale’s page, I was speechless. She is extremely beautiful and quite a composed young woman and it was not the...

Down’s syndrome doesn’t define these young, Israeli backpackers..!!

This was the headline that got my attention over everything else. I was busy glancing at the paper while sipping my Sunday morning tea. The title was catchy...

Two incidents; one will make you feel proud and the other...

Time and again we come across incidents which disgust us, make us angry and outrageous about the discrimination that still happens at the hands of some people, who...