Some Motivational Talk

Some Motivational Talk

You Are Not Alone – Few Words For New Mothers...

               Do you think life has been unfair and cruel to you? Do you feel that you were promised one thing and were...

Special Need Mothers – Have Great Expectations !

There are certain incidents in life that you never forget. And for a mother of a child with special needs such incidents are more than many. The milestones...

Indelible: A heart touching story of 7 people with down syndrome...

This video is India's official entry for World Down syndrome Congress and It would touch your heart in more ways than one. I had tears in my eyes...

So What Is Your Priority List For Your Child With Special...

Those of us who think we don’t really need a priority list for our child, whether typical or special needs, should think one more time. I am sure...

Special Need Mothers: Do You Have Wings?

  It all started with a simple question that I was asked on LIVE TV by the anchor (Yes, I want  to boast that I was on TV!). This...

A Must Read For Special Need Mothers – Come Indulge !

We all mothers know this and have probably gone through it million of times.  Picture it; you had a terrible day. The laundry is still not done! The...

The Days When I Forget About My Daughter’s Disability!

There are days when I forget that my daughter has 'Down Syndrome.' In fact I often forget that she has any 'disability' at all. In the rut of...

Best World Down Syndrome Day Campaigns EVER!

It isn't easy to be objective about something when your soul is invested in it. 'Down syndrome' is one such word that changed my life forever. From the...

Why My Daughter With Down Syndrome Is The Smartest Girl I...

  When I got to know that my daughter had Down syndrome, I thought of a life which would be sad, depressing and cheerless in the years to come,...

Every Fight For Your Special Needs Child Is Not Worth Fighting!

The expression on that face after seeing my daughter with Down syndrome was anything but happy. He was supposed to be the main trainer of her dance class...

‘Strings of Motherhood’ For A Special Needs Mom

Motherhood means many things to many people. From the ‘state of being a mother’ to ‘the worst job that we love dearly’, it is most often defined by...

Special Needs Parents: Are You Taking Your Marriage For Granted?

Close your eyes and go back in time. Picture your first few meetings with your spouse, the awkward eye contact, the skipping of the heart beat, the uninhibited...