Some Motivational Talk

Some Motivational Talk

A Letter To My ‘Special’ Daughter, With Love!

I had always thought of writing letters to my daughter, long before she was even born. So madly in love I was with this ‘image’ of having a...

Down Syndrome Is No Different – A...

Siblings are the most important yet the most neglected people in the lives of our children with special needs. After the diagnosis while we as parents go through...

Special Needs Parents: Are You Taking Your Marriage For Granted?

Close your eyes and go back in time. Picture your first few meetings with your spouse, the awkward eye contact, the skipping of the heart beat, the uninhibited...

10 Things That Make Special Needs Mothers Very Happy!

  Special needs mothers are often considered ‘ALIEN’! They are perceived as women who only pretend to be happy! They are always tired  or have superpowers to deal with...

‘Strings of Motherhood’ For A Special Needs Mom

Motherhood means many things to many people. From the ‘state of being a mother’ to ‘the worst job that we love dearly’, it is most often defined by...

Two incidents; one will make you feel proud and the other...

Time and again we come across incidents which disgust us, make us angry and outrageous about the discrimination that still happens at the hands of some people, who...

So What Is Your Priority List For Your Child With Special...

Those of us who think we don’t really need a priority list for our child, whether typical or special needs, should think one more time. I am sure...

A Must Read For Special Need Mothers – Come Indulge !

We all mothers know this and have probably gone through it million of times.  Picture it; you had a terrible day. The laundry is still not done! The...

Why My Daughter With Down Syndrome Is The Smartest Girl I...

  When I got to know that my daughter had Down syndrome, I thought of a life which would be sad, depressing and cheerless in the years to come,...

Best World Down Syndrome Day Campaigns EVER!

It isn't easy to be objective about something when your soul is invested in it. 'Down syndrome' is one such word that changed my life forever. From the...

Some Gems For Special Needs Parents From Andrew Solomon

When I first heard his talk, (Andrew Solomon Ted Talk) I was puzzled about how could someone reach out to my heart so effortlessly. The more I heard...

8 Funny Quotes On Parenting That Will Make Your Day

Parenthood is hard! The only antidote one has about parenting is 'the children,' They are their own solution. A minute you are so angry that you want to...