‘My Sister’s Magical Dream’- A Story By A Sibling Of A...

In the journey to accept our special needs gift from heavens above, we generally forget that we have a 'typical' child, the one who is going through the...

Should Mothers Of Special Needs Children Work? The Eternal Dilemma Of...

Do you work? This question has become the second most important question asked after how are you? Or what’s your name? And if one thinks that this is...

My Daughter Bunked The Class For The First Time And I...

For those who don’t know, my daughter is seven years old. She is in first grade and is a livewire, she also has Down syndrome! Yesterday during her...

Should I Send Both My Typical And My Special Needs...

When I decided to put my daughter with Down syndrome in the same school as my son , I received a lot of suggestions and advice from other...

You Are Not Alone – Few Words For New Mothers...

               Do you think life has been unfair and cruel to you? Do you feel that you were promised one thing and were...

Vacations With Your Special Needs Child? Think Before You Plunge!

A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking. - Earl Wilson How true are these words and how wonderful it is to...

Down Syndrome Parenting 101: Must Have Advice To Make Your Life...

There are books and then there are books like ‘Down Syndrome Parenting 101: Must-Have Advice for Making Your Life Easier’, which true to its title, gives the readers...

Teaching School Subjects Through Personal Books For Special Needs

The RTE or 'right to education act' has given our children an access to schools and in the last few decades, many mainstream schools have started accepting children...

Resources To Start Teaching ‘READING’ To Children With Special Needs

 Starting a project with my daughter 'Aarshia' on reading sentences. Now that she can recognise, read and write alphabets, knows phonic sounds ( not entirely though), I think...

So What Is Your Priority List For Your Child With Special...

Those of us who think we don’t really need a priority list for our child, whether typical or special needs, should think one more time. I am sure...

9 FREE Speech And Language Resources On Youtube

'Speech And Language' Internet may have earned a bad name for letting mankind lose itself into the world of never ending information but this very 'advancement' has brought the...

If She Could ? How Would She Celebrate Father’s Day?

If she could...!! The world is celebrating Father's day. I too have been a part of the surprise ppt that my son is preparing for his dad while Aarshia...