Special Reads For Special Needs: Our Reading Workshops And All That...
If you've been brought up with love for reading, you'd know how much it hurts when your child struggles with a book. When it is hard for them...
Special Needs Parents Here Is Your Answer To ‘What After I...
While cleaning a cupboard, I came across an old piece of news in the paper where a pilot father and an air-hostess mother died within a year of...
When Your ‘Special’ Child Makes ‘Typical’ Friends And You Cry Happy...
When you are a mother of a child with special needs certain things are a given and you are expected to accept these certain things without exceptions. Extended...
How Would You Play Santa To Your Child With Special Needs...
This is the time of the year when everything, and everyone is in celebration mode. Christmas trees are being bought. The lights are being checked, and the gifts...
Special Reads For Special Needs
Special Reads For Special Needs
Is a workshop designed to help parents and other caregivers on teaching reading to children with special needs. This program draws from years of...
Special Needs Parents: 10 Ways To Live A Happier Life
Bringing up children is not for faint hearted? Being responsible for someone's life, health, habits, educations, life skills, social skills, manners and pretty much everything else doesn't come...
Why And How I Taught Reading To My Daughter With Down...
 For the longest time I remember, I have never said ‘No’ to a book that my son had asked to buy. I had introduced him to books way...
People With Down Syndrome Are Finally Taking The World By Storm!
It is official! My daughter wants to be a teacher.  She is 8 and probably a little late in zeroing on the profession she wants to pursue, but she...
Confession Time: I Wonder If the pain Ever Goes Away?
It was the orientation day in my daughter’s new class, something where all parents officially meet the new teachers for the first time for introductions. I was totally...
Down Syndrome Parenting 101: Must Have Advice To Make Your Life...
There are books and then there are books like ‘Down Syndrome Parenting 101: Must-Have Advice for Making Your Life Easier’, which true to its title, gives the readers...
What Motivates You, Fellow Special Needs Mom?
What really motivates you, fellow special needs mother,
When faced with stigmas, endlessly you suffer,
When the days are short and the 'to-do' list is long,
When the hospital visits are...
10 Things That Make Special Needs Mothers Very Happy!
Special needs mothers are often considered ‘ALIEN’! They are perceived as women who only pretend to be happy! They are always tired  or have superpowers to deal with...