How Would You Play Santa To Your Child With Special Needs...

This is the time of the year when everything, and everyone is in celebration mode. Christmas trees are being bought. The lights are being checked, and the gifts...

If She Could ? How Would She Celebrate Father’s Day?

If she could...!! The world is celebrating Father's day. I too have been a part of the surprise ppt that my son is preparing for his dad while Aarshia...

What To Say To That Stranger With Special Needs ?

'Oooh!' She is so adorable, very pretty,  a voice raved,  gushing about a toddler dressed in her fuchsia dress ..How old is she? Another voice came..the proud mother...

Army Doesn’t Train You To Be A Special Needs Mother- Your...

Another beautiful guest post from a dear friend and a fellow parent Sonali Barshilia.  Sonali got commissioned into Indian Army in Sep 1999 and took voluntary retirement in...

9 Activities To Improve Speech In Children With Down Syndrome

Communication and speech remain one of the most delayed milestone for children with Down Syndrome. The desire to communicate and being understood by others is inherent in all...

This Is How We Learnt To Teach Reading To Children With...

Learning is eternal, it never gets over! This learning becomes more of a need than a desire when you have children who look up to you for answers...

My Daughter Bunked The Class For The First Time And I...

For those who don’t know, my daughter is seven years old. She is in first grade and is a livewire, she also has Down syndrome! Yesterday during her...

Self-talk In Special Needs : A Must Know Guide For...

Soliloquies are not just for the stage. Children often speak aloud their internal conversations with the self. Generally, they stop with age but for children with learning disabilities,...

Is The World Finally Coming To Terms With Down Syndrome?

  I am not a judgemental person or at least I try not to be one. I also hate the sympathy cap or ‘I am better than you’ cap...

Best World Down Syndrome Day Campaigns EVER!

It isn't easy to be objective about something when your soul is invested in it. 'Down syndrome' is one such word that changed my life forever. From the...

Adapting And Modifying An English Lesson For Special Needs

The first and most essential adaptation is determining what information is most critical for students to learn and adjusting the instructional emphasis of the program. Apart from this,...

10 Movies You Must Watch With Your Teenagers

  Films can be a great way to spend some quality time with your kids. A window to a different world appears on your screen as soon as you...