Does Your Doctor Need Some ‘Special Needs’ Sensitivity Training Too?

Does your doctor need some 'special needs' sensitivity training? Cause mine does. She is not a paediatrician (thankfully) but a paediatric cardiologist.  We had to meet her two...

Stop Pitying The Special Needs Parents!

It was a normal day, nothing unusual. Saturday afternoon, a visit to the nearby mall with both the children, where I was checking out the ‘to buy’ list...

I Think I Am A ‘Special Needs Helicopter Parent’…Are You?

The other day, a friend and a parent of a child with Down syndrome was telling me how she was unhappy with her speech therapist and was looking...

My Daughter Bunked The Class For The First Time And I...

For those who don’t know, my daughter is seven years old. She is in first grade and is a livewire, she also has Down syndrome! Yesterday during her...

Sexual Abuse: A Special Need Mother’s Worst Nightmare!

“Another girl of 5 years was sexually abused in a leading school by his cab driver.” It was just another news sitting in the left corner of a...

Vacations With Your Special Needs Child? Think Before You Plunge!

A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking. - Earl Wilson How true are these words and how wonderful it is to...

Increasing Intelligence : A Must Read Theory For Down Syndrome

  Have you ever wondered why our children with mainstream and academic achievements to near-normal level in primary schools, are not really able to meaningfully apply this knowledge in...

Every Fight For Your Special Needs Child Is Not Worth Fighting!

The expression on that face after seeing my daughter with Down syndrome was anything but happy. He was supposed to be the main trainer of her dance class...

Siblings Of Children With Special Needs: The Unspoken!

A lot of times, the sibling relationship between a 'typical' and a 'child with special needs' is perceived and presumed to be all hunky-dory. Just like how we...

Birth Of Your Child With Special Needs- Bringing You Closer Or...

  The birth of a child is a milestone in any relationship and is almost always celebrated with love, dreams and hopes. This arrival also lays a foundation for...

As Long As It Is Healthy! But What If It’s Not?

As long as it is healthy! I never thought these six simple words could hurt me this much! Surprisingly, the used weapons (read words) were not something I had never...

5 Most Common Guilt Trips Of Special Needs Parents

Brooding over Guilt is most parents’ favourite past time, more so if they are a special needs parent. From blaming themselves for inflicting the disability in some way...