Shutting off ‘Down Syndrome’ gene-A Mother’s take !

I know this post can get me in a lot of trouble because one, I have never been a politically correct person and two this is a very...

Everything You Want To Know About ‘Down Syndrome’

'Take it easy...its just an Extra Chromosome!!' I had a big smile, when I read this quote. Isn't it brilliant ? So simple yet so effective. So informative yet so...

Yes, She can Read! Mama floating in the air yet again!

Yes, she can read!                                                  ...

If She Could ? How Would She Celebrate Father’s Day?

If she could...!! The world is celebrating Father's day. I too have been a part of the surprise ppt that my son is preparing for his dad while Aarshia...

Finally The Ear Piercing Done!

"Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequenes come from little things. I am tempted to think there are no little things"....  Barton Bruce Since the time I have put...

How To Teach ‘The Calender’ To Your Child With Down Syndrome

The summer vacations are finally on and oh boy..Is mama happy? Yes, she is elated...because now, she doesn't need to have her morning cuppa running around the house....

Down Syndrome Doesn’t Define My Daughter

Finally! the hard work paid. Aarshia read the entire book on her own! Mom floating in the air already. Project 'reading' phase one completed. Best part, the entire thing...

Teaching Reading To Your Child With Down Syndrome

  Finally got down to making the book for Aarshia. Tried to make use of the available resources that I had at home. Old sheets, pictures, fevistick, red marker and...

More like you than different!

Attended a seminar on " down syndrome, (more like you than different )holistic approach"in chanakyapuri, new delhi. This was first of a kind in the capital and though...

Resources To Start Teaching ‘READING’ To Children With Special Needs

 Starting a project with my daughter 'Aarshia' on reading sentences. Now that she can recognise, read and write alphabets, knows phonic sounds ( not entirely though), I think...

You Are Not Alone – Few Words For New Mothers...

               Do you think life has been unfair and cruel to you? Do you feel that you were promised one thing and were...

The down syndrome creed !

My face may be different But my feelings the same I laugh and I cry And I take pride in my gains I was sent here among you To teach you to love As...