16 Ways To Be An Unhappy Special Needs Mother

Parenting or special needs parenting is different yet same. Losing yourself in any of them is a sure shot way to be miserable. The happiness flows from inside...

Does Your Doctor Need Some ‘Special Needs’ Sensitivity Training Too?

Does your doctor need some 'special needs' sensitivity training? Cause mine does. She is not a paediatrician (thankfully) but a paediatric cardiologist.  We had to meet her two...

What Motivates You, Fellow Special Needs Mom?

What really motivates you, fellow special needs mother, When faced with stigmas, endlessly you suffer, When the days are short and the 'to-do' list is long, When the hospital visits are...

8 Sureshot Ways To Spoil Your Relationship With Your Child

When your child slams the door behind him saying he hates you, he usually doesn’t mean it. It just comes out of anger at the moment. But if...

9 Out Of The World Ideas To Save Your Sanity In...

It’s been just a few days into summer vacations, and I am sure you are already running out of ideas to keep your little monsters occupied. You must...

Best World Down Syndrome Day Campaigns EVER!

It isn't easy to be objective about something when your soul is invested in it. 'Down syndrome' is one such word that changed my life forever. From the...

Should I Send Both My Typical And My Special Needs...

When I decided to put my daughter with Down syndrome in the same school as my son , I received a lot of suggestions and advice from other...

Changing The Perception Of Children With Down Syndrome

Yesterday, I was invited to speak at National Conference On Down Syndrome. It was not just an honour but was an opportunity for me to address my fellow...

Special Needs Parents: Is Your Brain Fooling You?

If today you get to know that the child you have been bringing up, was changed in the hospital and your real child is there for you to...

I Have Stopped Crying: A Special Needs Mother!

 This beautiful post is written by Capt. Kiran Pun, ex army officer. Kiran is a  precious friend and a  fellow mother. She is married to Lt Col K Sathiyamoorthy,...

Dear Doctor, Get Sensitive Or Get Out – A Special Needs...

There comes a time in your life when you realise the things that matter and things that don’t. It is also true in context of disability. After the...

Everything You Want To Know About ‘Down Syndrome’

'Take it easy...its just an Extra Chromosome!!' I had a big smile, when I read this quote. Isn't it brilliant ? So simple yet so effective. So informative yet so...