Some Motivational Talk

Some Motivational Talk

The Days When I Forget About My Daughter’s Disability!

There are days when I forget that my daughter has 'Down Syndrome.' In fact I often forget that she has any 'disability' at all. In the rut of...

Special Need Mothers: Do You Have Wings?

  It all started with a simple question that I was asked on LIVE TV by the anchor (Yes, I want  to boast that I was on TV!). This...

From Angry And Cranky To Calm And Mindful: My Revelation As...

Since the time my son was a preteen, I was preparing myself for his ‘teen’ age! The over hyped and over analysed ‘teen-tantrums’ that I had been seeing...

God’s Letter To The Parents Of Children With Special Needs..!

  How many times have we complained or have felt the urge to give up? How many times have we prayed to the God to give us more strength...

Understanding Feminism As A Stay At Home Mother!

This happened recently. I am in the wrong side of 30s and was going through an early onset of mid-life crisis where I was extremely unhappy about my...

Dear Fellow Mother, Stop Before You Jump Off That Roof!

This letter is in response to a news item I read in the morning paper today which shook me to the core. “A 23 year old woman committed...

Special Need Mothers – Have Great Expectations !

There are certain incidents in life that you never forget. And for a mother of a child with special needs such incidents are more than many. The milestones...

What Should Special Need Parents Learn From Tom Sawyer !

Few years ago after the diagnosis of my daughter, when I was still seeking the answers of some questions and  learning to deal with the new place I...

It’s A Must Watch For Parents Of Children With Special Needs

Having a child with special needs in your life brings not only challenges, but also evokes great emotions and fear of future. The future means a lot of...

Why You Should Be Friends With Other Special Need Mothers.

One of the basic nature of friendship is that it cannot be forced or pretended. This is one relationship which is beyond social obligations and the DNA spectrum...

Every Fight For Your Special Needs Child Is Not Worth Fighting!

The expression on that face after seeing my daughter with Down syndrome was anything but happy. He was supposed to be the main trainer of her dance class...

Why Should We Celebrate Women’s Day?

No, this is not going to be that rant where I write about all the atrocities, abuse, inequalities or patriarchal dominance that women face and how that should...